19 March 2018 | Investing
Tag: video
12 March 2018 | Investing
Evidence Based Investing Insights: Behavior
5 March 2018 | Investing
Evidence Based Investing Insights: Return Factors
26 February 2018 | Investing
Evidence Based Investing Insights: Diversification
19 February 2018 | Investing
Evidence Based Investing Insights: Market Pricing
12 February 2018 | Investing
Evidence Based Investing vs Stock Picking
19 January 2018 | Investing
Investing: The Evidence – Part 6
15 January 2018 | Investing
Investing: The Evidence – Part 5
GYC Perspectives
Markets are often irrational. Even among experts, forecasting does not consistently work. We instead believe in Evidence-Based Investing (EBI), which uses decades of empirical data and the greatest ideas in financial science to optimise investment outcomes. No market predictions, no forecasts, no emotions. All those things rely on gut-feel and intuition that cannot be consistently replicated.
Here, we share with you the evidence on why EBI works and why forecasting doesn't, as well as articles on topics such as behavioural finance to help you become better investors. New here? You can start with this introduction to EBI. Happy reading!